Princess Nokia
It is really fascinating to see how artists break social norms. Before Puerto Rican and Latin Cultural Formations class, I did not know many songs that talked about breaking social norms. Now I know that Princess Nokia, a Puerto Rican rapper uses her songs to bring light to topics such as feminism, class, race, and overall cultural formations. From her song “Tomboy” she talks about the idea that females are supposed to act girly and gain attention from men using their body parts. However, her chorus goes, “that girl is a tomboy” signifying that she along with other females are not following that stereotype and will stand against it. She wears baggy clothes and sings, ‘where my little titties and my fat belly” to show not all females fit the beauty standard that society created.
Dulce Pinzón and Graciela Iturbide Photography
No one gives credit to their parents for their hard work until one becomes the parent. Parenting is difficult due to the worry and overthinking of one’s child being in danger. As a child, one does not have to worry about making money and being fed but as our age progresses, so does our understanding of responsibility. Both of these pictures show the amount of willingness and patience a mother has with their children. The picture to the left, called CAT WOMAN, is a great example of a real “superhero”. Behind the disguise of CAT WOMAN, Minerva Valencia a nanny from New York. While working as a nanny in New York, she sends 400 dollars a week to Puebla where her family lives. Minerva shows her dedication to work in order to send money to her family. The picture to the right shows a woman carrying a baby in her arms. A ring of thorns in her head symbolizes how much she has suffered in her life along with her look of sadness. However, with the baby in her arms, the mother has a lot of responsibility and love for her child. Despite the painful situations she has experienced, she has someone to be able to give her happiness and care for. And these are just a few examples of true superheroes.
“Kimberle” by Achy Obejas
I’m so perplexed With just one breath, I’m locked in
These lyrics show how Nick feels mesmerized by someone so much that even her breath leaves an impact on him. Throughout the story of “Kimberle”, the main character goes through a series of situations because of Kimberle. The amount of time they have spent together makes the main characters realize, “I realized I wanted to kiss Kimberle—not for anyone else’s pleasure but for my own” (Obejas 25). This song relates to the main character who reveals her lust towards Kimberle within the story. Similar to Jonas, she is infatuated with Kimberle that the problems she causes do not disrupt her feelings for Kimberle.
It beats me black and blue but it fucks me so good And I can get enough Must be love on the brain
Rihanna talks about a one-sided love as well as a toxic relationship one is in. Even though it hurts the person emotionally, she can’t help but feel “so good” despite how broken she feels. She does not want to leave him even though she is emotionally exhausted but stays because she thinks it is love. This connects to the story of “Kimberle” because, despite the problems Kimberle brings to the main character, the main character still wants to stick by Kimberle. There was one moment where Kimberle almost drove the main character to her death to experience the thrill. Instead of leaving yelling at Kimberle, she says, “‘That was amazing,’ I said, my heart still racing” (Obejas 22). Not to mention how this moment would make her realize, “Kimberle had made me feel so fucking alive” (Obejas 24).
I never had a home, ain’t nobody callin’ my phone Where you been? Where you at? What’s on your mind?
Logic focuses on a sensitive topic which he translates onto a song. Through his song, he shows that there is always help available; the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is the title of the song. Logic writes this song from the perspective of someone who wants to commit suicide and the lyrics show how the person has not had anything to live for considering they have no home or anyone to care for them. Similarly, in “Kimberle”, Kimberle also has experienced the loss of a home when the landlord, “had stacked all her belongings on the sidewalk”(Obejas 16). Kimberle also has suicidal thoughts that show throughout the story, “embedding its blade upright on the knuckles of her left” (Obejas 19).
“La Guera” by Cherrie Moraga
“La Guera” by Cherrie is about her personal experiences of passing as white due to her skin color in the United States. She explains a series of events that made her realize the truth of being privileged compared to her sister with a darker skin tone. Not only does she talk about privilege but learns about oppression due to her social class and identity. I can relate to her because my parents came to the United States from Mexico and had to undergo many challenges. Both our parents were not able to have the same opportunities as we have due to our citizenship. Just like other immigrant families, we feel grateful for the opportunities but we realize the injustice and discrimination that comes with it. Through these stereotypes and discrimination, one should not feel ashamed of their roots but should embrace them because it is a piece of who they are.
Citizen Illegal (2018) (Mexican Heaven)
“St. Peter lets Mexicans into Heaven but only to work in the kitchens. a Mexican dishwasher polishes the crystal, smells the meals , & hears the music. they dream of another heaven, one they might be allowed in if they work hard enough” PAGE 28 José Olivarez is the son of Mexican immigrants who wrote Citizen Illegal based on the experience Latinos face in America. This poem is called Mexican Heaven is descriptive enough to show how Mexicans are treated. The poem is about Mexicans and how they thought to only work in “kitchens” or difficult jobs where one does not get paid enough. Only they can imagine another “heaven”, one where they receive equal opportunities.
Similar to Mexican Heaven, Entre Nos is about an immigrant mother coming to America for a better life. Everyone, including the mother and the “Mexicans” come to America to achieve the American Dream despite the hardships in order to achieve it. Just as the Mexicans from the poem will have to work hard enough, the single mother had to work to help her two children in hopes of giving them a better life. In the movie, the mother had to leave her children in the one room apartment so she would go to work. Through those hardships, she allowed her children to go to school. Paola Mendoza, an actor and filmmaker, used her mother’s story as an inspiration to the film Entre Nos.
Porcupine Love by Tatiana de la Tierra
Porcupine Love is about a woman who had a romantic relationship with a woman but instead of loving her, she drove her away. Despite the tragic love ending she caused, one day, she came upon a website where her past love was working in. This time, she decided to converse with her over the internet where their love for one another blossoms again. Her past love wants her to come live in New Zealand and now the main character must decide what she should do.
As I enter the airport with all my belongings, all I can think is about Antenna and how much I want to kiss her. Feeling her in my arms would make me forget my stupid actions for leaving this place and entering her world. Her world. We live thousands of miles away but the universe decides to give me one more chance after destroying my relationship with Antenna. But now I have the chance to make things right. I rush towards the doors with the only thought in my head. Antenna.
Standing foot outside of Antenna’s apartment, I start to realize what a foolish person I was. How can she still love me when I was a bitch to her. I will end up breaking her heart because of my fucked up self. It was a different feeling when we were in two different places but now, I think I made a mistake. I close my eyes and sigh deeply. Only now do I realize my mistake of ever trusting my intuition. I cautiously step back and turn around before I hear the doorknob turn and the squeak of the door opening. “You actually came.” I turn around to see her intense eyes and beautiful face I have yearned to touch. I nodded and walked into her room.
Pandora’s Box by Arturo Arias
The article that I have chosen is titled, “Mara Gómez on becoming Argentina’s first trans footballer.” Through this reading we see how Mara Gomez talks about the obstacles she went through as a transgender to be part of Argentina’s women football league. Similarly, “Pandora” by Arturo Arias, Juan talks about the struggles of being a woman after his transition.The story starts off with a guy, Juan, who is mesmerized by Pandora but does not know why. He does not feel confident until he turns his transition to a woman. He names himself Juanita and explores the activities any woman would do. However, she begins to understand the struggles as a woman is in this society. People are judgmental, abusive, and treat women as objects. However, both Mara Gomez and Juanita both transition to feel confident and happier.