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This is a screenshot conversation between my partner and I while we working on our group blog posts together.

La Guera, Cherrie Moraga



Kimberle”, by Achy Obeja

I put together a playlist of these songs that relate to multiple emotions Kimberle feels as she is having suicidal thoughts. Kimberle wants to kill herself and she think no one will even care if she does. The first two songs on my playlist have lyrics to portray exactly how she is feeling.

Save Me” Nicki Minaj – “I drove for miles just to find you and find myself, all these screams all these voices in my head, You gave me strength gave me hope for a lifetime, I never was satisfied. This time won’t you save me, Baby I can feel myself giving up”

Suicidal Thoughts” The Notorious B.I.G. – “I swear to God I want to just slit my wrists and end this bullsh*t…Suicide’s on my f*ckin mind, I wanna leave I swear to God I feel like death is f*ckin callin me”

The next songs on the playlist “Stay” and “How to Save a Life” is a message that could have been from her friend when she asked her to help keep her from killing herself.

Stay” Rihanna- “It’s not much of a life you’re living, It’s not something you take, it’s given

How to Save a Life” The Fray – “Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness, And I would have stayed up with you all night, Had I known how to save a life.”

The last song on the playlist is a motvational song to help Kimberle come out of her dark place.

Skyscraper” Demi Lovato– “Do you have to make feel like there is nothing left of me, You can take everything I have, You can break everything I am, Like I’m made of glass, Like I’m made of paper, Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground, Like a skyscraper

Pandora’s Box, by Arturo Arias

In Pandora’s box Juan goes shopping for new clothes because he wants to transition to a female. He states when he was tired after shopping, “I went into a deep, bottomless sleep, dreaming that it was all a dream and I’d wake up as Juan again, plain Juan, the familiar shapes and hairs outlining my body. But no, even after I woke up, I was still Juanita.”

He relates to Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce Jenner, who struggled with identity since age 8 until finally transitioning from male to female at age 65.

“In a simple way, there was always this woman that lived inside of me. But I lived my life as Bruce. But she was always there, she was always present. I just finally got to the point in life where, it’s time for her to live.”CAITLYN JENNER https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/04/24/caitlyn-jenner

This image may contain Caitlyn Jenner Clothing Apparel Human Person and Magazine

Dulce Pinzón and Graciela Iturbide

Estados Unidos,1999

The first photo is a diorama of a desert like area. We see a vast plain of sand and few grass and trees. It’s an open pasture, most of the vegetation we see is towards the back. Similar to the second photos Estados Unidos 1999, there are palm trees towards the back of the picture. We see an open seawater. This reminds me of the Lord is my Shepard “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” Green pastures and still waters represent peace and rest.


Mexican Heaven by José Olivarez

All of the Mexicans Sneak into heaven.

St Peter has their names on the list,

but the Mexicans haven’t trusted a list

since Ronald Reagan was president.

It is important to include this poem in this blog post because our current President is proof that America still sees immigrants as a threat to their society. “Mexicans” are a representation of immigration. U.S. President try to keep them out, ie: Trump wanting to build a wall.

This is a trailer of the 1939 movie Code of the Secret Service. This movie is starring Ronald Reagan who served as the 40th president of the United States.
Ronald Reagan as Brass Bancroft in 1939 film Secret Service of the Air. n this movie smugglers illegally transport Mexicans to the U.S. This movie is starring Ronald Reagan who served as the 40th president of the United States.

Porcupine Love

Alternative ending…

When I get home I will set up a new e-mail account and an instant
messaging system so that I can fuck Antenita electronically, like she
wants. I will email her a place to meet up where we can sit and catch up and tell each other how our lives have been miserable without each other. We will rekindle our love. We will fuck all we want, love all we want and live all we want.

One day I received an email from my dear Antenita. I opened it and began to read, suddenly realizing it was not meant for me. She is sending an email to another love. She accidentally sent it to me. Does she know that I know?They have arranged to meet. She messages this beautiful woman she calls who is in love with her. How does she know she is in love with you? She felt you already. Emotionally. Physically. She loves her. And loves me too? I am confused. I thought she was my Porcupine love. I don’t know what I am to her anymore. I am lost. I am afraid of how this will end.

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